Bird Watching in Nepal

“Birds Makes you smile let them live for while”

A significant portion of Nepal’s land is made up of national parks and conservation zones, making it a birdwatcher’s dream destination. It has lots of national parks and different types of landscapes, from warm to cold areas. In Nepal, you can find more than 850 different kinds of birds. Nepal is a bird watchers’ paradise with national parks and conservation areas making up a large part of its territory. One of the endemic birds of Nepal is Spiny Babbler which can be  seen easily.  Bird watching is possible in any corner of Nepal, be it in the sweltering plains where Koshi Tappu, Chitwan and Bardiya are the main sites while in the mountainous region, the Everest and Annapurna regions boast other well-known species of birds.

Best season for bird watching 

Pokhara is the best place for the winter visitors  and summer visitors birds. There is the good habitat for wetland and jungle birds.

Types of bird found in Nepal 

In Nepal, total 886 species birds is recorded according to research,  467 different species of birds can be seen in pokhara (province no. 4) area. Some of other bird watching place are Chitwan National Park, Koshi Taapu,  Kathmandu ( mostly Shivapuri National Park and Pulchwoki) and many other places. Species regularly seen in this forest and along the shore of the lake include Besra, Red-thighed Falconet, Pallid and Pied Harriers, Eurasian Griffon, Red-headed and Eurasian Black Vultures, Kalij Pheasant, Ducks, Gulls, Terns, Waders, Bulbul, Black-backed Forktail, Puff-throated Babbler, White-crested, Lesser Necklaced and Rufous-chinned Laughing Thrushes, Red-billed Leiothrix, Minivetts, Crimson Sunbird, Maroon Oriole, Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo, Red-billed and Green Magpies, Long-tailed Mountain Thrush, Chestnut-headed and Grey-bellied Tesias, Chestnut-crowned Warbler, Small and Rufous-bellied Niltavas and Snowy-brown Flycatcher, Long-tailed Broadbill, Pale Blue Flycatcher, White-tailed Robin, Spiny Babbler, White-browed Scimitar-Babbler, Striated Munia, Lesser Whitethroat and Thick-billed Warbler .Tourists trekking along the Annapurna Conservation Area also enjoy bird watching, said the chairman. With the Lakes and lush and sloping mountainous terrain, Pokhara and its surrounding makes perfect destination for bird watching holiday.

During the spring we can see a variety of migratory and breeding birds. This trek has been designed to maximize bird-watching time whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery of the area – pine, spruce and rhododendron forest, rivers hills and terraces.

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Bird Watching in Nepal

Short Trek: Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek